Comprehensive Reference List
Alan Beaulieu. Learning SQL: Generate, Manipulate, and Retrieve Data. 2020. Visit Anany Levitin. Algorithmic Puzzles. 2011. Visit Anany Levitin. Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms (3rd Ed.). 2011. Visit Anany Levitin. Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms (3rd Ed.). 2011. Visit Anany Levitin and Maria Levitin. Algorithmic Puzzles. 2011. Visit Anthony Molinaro and Robert de Graaf. SQL Cookbook: Query Solutions and Techniques for All SQL Users (2nd Ed.). 2020. Visit Antti Laaksonen. Guide to Competitive Programming: Learning and Improving Algorithms Through Contests. 2024. Visit Daniel Habib. Fangprep - Big Tech Interview Prep. Visit Dinesh P. Mehta and Sartaj Sahni. Handbook of Data Structures and Applications (2nd Ed.). 2018. Visit Donald E. Knuth. Companion to the Papers of Donald Knuth. 2012. Visit Donald E. Knuth, Ronald L. Graham, Oren Patashnik. Concrete Mathematics: A Foundation for Computer Science. 2012. Visit Donald Knuth, Ronald Graham, and Oren Patashnik. Concrete Mathematics. 1994. Visit Douglas Smith, Maurice Eggen, and Richard St. Andre. A Transition to Advanced Mathematics (7th Ed.). 2011. Visit Gayle Laakmann McDowell, Mike Mroczka, Aline Lerner, Nil Mamano. Beyond Cracking the Coding Interview. 2025. Visit Gordon Linoff. Data Analysis Using SQL and Excel. 2016. Visit Howard Eves. An Introduction to the History of Mathematics. 1990. Visit Jonathan Gennick. SQL Pocket Guide. 2010. Visit Kenneth R. Rosen. Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications (5th Ed.). 2002. Visit Pete Bettinger et al.. Forest Management and Planning. 2017. Visit Sanjoy Dasgupta, Christos Papadimitriou, and Umesh Vazirani. Algorithms. 2006. Visit Steven Halim. Competitive Programming 4 - Book 1. 2018. Visit Steven Halim. Competitive Programming 4 - Book 2. 2018. Visit Steven Skiena. Algorithm Design Manual. 2020. Visit Thomas Cormen, Charles Leiserson, Ronald Rivest, Clifford Stein. Introduction to Algorithms - CLRS (4th Ed.). 2022. Visit